Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Tips To Coordinate Your Look With Your Prom Date

Do you have a date for prom? You’re probably deciding whether you should be coordinating your look with your date. There are plenty of factors you have to consider especially if you really want to match your outfits with your date especially when he has different taste and preferences as you are.
If you plan on coordinating your looks, the following tips will be helpful:

An Exact Match

You and your date can go shopping together for your outfits. You can help him find a suit that perfectly matches with your dress. By going shopping together, you can make sure that you can meet your date’s preferences. You don’t want him to look uncomfortable just because you forced him to wear an outfit he doesn’t like.

Having an exact match with your date is possible when your date asked you months ahead of prom. If he invited you on the last minute, this tip may not be achieved well.

Complementary Outfits

If having an exactly matched outfit with your date doesn’t seem to work well, you can opt for complementary outfits instead. You can go for a dress with the same color as your date’s suit. You can also ask your date to wear a tie with the same color as your dress.

Go Neutral

When things get overwhelming, going neutral is an ideal choice. Neutral colors go well with anything so regardless of what your date is wearing, the two of you can still look your best. Visit a Chicago dress retail store and see what they have on offer. There are also plenty of choices online if you want to go on a more convenient route.

Take note of those tips when you want you want to have coordinating looks with your prom date. Regardless of what your preferences are, you can always meet in the middle. There are plenty of ways on how you can coordinate your outfits without one having to sacrifice. Stay confident and you and your date will always look great no matter what you choose.

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